Guide to Summer Footwear
It’s time to talk about summer footwear. I know some of you need to wear Oxfords or Derbies to work, and those are versatile pairs that can be worn year-round. In this article, I share the best summer shoes you'll keep reaching for.
Let’s start with loafers, as they are probably a favorite pair for most of you. I would guess that in summer, many of you prefer suede over leather ones. I personally choose leather only when I am wearing more serious looks. Suede is by far my favourite between the two, mainly for two reasons: first, the aesthetics—it just looks more relaxed—and second, the comfort. Unlined suede is the most comfortable you can go with a loafer.
Top row: Alden, Septieme Largeur, Edward Green
Middle row: Drake’s, J.M. Weston, Yuketen
Bottom row: Sanders, Crockett & Jones, Morjas
Canvas Sneakers
They are the sportiest of all footwear options, but the right pair can work even with a suit! They work best with a simple t-shirt and a pair of jeans or shorts. You can never go wrong with a pair of classic Converse All Stars or its alternatives. As I mentioned in the article about What I pack for summer holidays, I know this will be very controversial, but I don’t like any form of sandals or flip-flops or anything else that allows you to show your toes in public. I don’t like the aesthetics of those styles, and I don’t like looking at other people’s toes; therefore, I don’t want to put other people in a situation where they will have to look at mine. Because of that, I wear canvas sneakers to the beach or anywhere near the water.
Top row: Buck Mason x Moonstar, Wakouwa by Anatomica, Asahi
Middle row: Bonne Gueule, US Rubber Company, Mr. Fliks
Another very relaxed option for hot days is the espadrilles. A simple slip-on upper on a rope sole. If you want a very breathable option, you can go with a linen upper, but if you want something more elegant, you can choose a suede version. In this style, you usually have a variety of options, so you can find a pair to perfectly match your looks.
Top row: Morjas, OAS Company, Drake’s
Middle row: Castaner, Velasca, Frescobol Carioca
Boat Shoes
Primarily designed to not slip while operating on a boat, they quickly became a go-to summer shoe for many people. My guess is because they are a laced shoe with a lower vamp, so you can simply slip them on and off with the right setting, and they look a bit sportier than loafers. You can get them in canvas, leather, or suede, and in many different color variations.
There is something about their aesthetics that just doesn’t work for me. As I mentioned in the Essential spring footwear article, this is a style that I personally am not a big fan of. But even that might be slowly changing for me. Some more minimalistic iterations of the shoe are really growing on me, so there is a chance that you might see me wearing boat shoes in the future!
Top row: Paraboot, G.H. Bass, Morjas
Middle row: Sebago, Scarosso, Velasca
Bottom row: Paraboot, Drake's by Sebago, Paraboot
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